Top 10 cleaning hacks for 2022

1. Use a lint roller (like the ones for clothes) to clean your window screen Yes, lint rollers can also work in cleaning your home. Start 2022 with clean windows and dreamy looking window screens by cleaning these screen with lint rollers. They help removing the dust and lints these screens tend to hold. 2. Choose lemon juice for cleaning

What does home and contents insurance cover?

Content insurance is an insurance policy used to cover the cost of replacing or repairing your household furnishings such as electrical appliances, sporting equipment, jewelry, clothing, furniture, and other personal possessions. Home insurance, on the other hand, covers damage caused to your home. This insurance policy covers items belonging to the policyholder and any other family member who lives with

Weekend links and things

Happy Sunday, everybody! How is your weekend? Did you have a good week? Hope so! I’ve had a two day online conference this past week, back before the pandemic this conference was for travelling. Usually travelling to a warmer country for the conference and staying a couple of days more to visit the city with my colleagues. We went to

How To Select The Right Greenhouse Glazing Material

Greenhouse glazing is the process of installing the transparent material that covers the structure. Generally, the glazing materials are used as roofing and walls—responsible for transferring light from the outside into the plants. Today, the most common glazing materials used are glass, plastic films, polycarbonate, and fibreglass. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. If you’re planning to build your greenhouse,