Some people prefer them, some people don’t. But what you have to admit is the fact that they do lend a certain charm to the overall look and decor of any home, or room for that matter. It’s just as simple as that. Ceramic tiles are most certainly not an aspect that you just decide to install on a whim. Most people who have ceramic tiles installed are genuinely invested in the product.
However even though ceramic tiles require little care and are durable for the most part, a few essential aspects do need to be kept in mind as far as the general installation is concerned. Most people unfortunately tend to forget this simple and basic fact. You do need to keep these particular aspects in mind at all times, whether you happen to be purchasing ceramic tiles in Melbourne, or anywhere else. On that very note, here are the 10 essential tips that one needs to keep in mind during the installation process :-
- Bigger tiles are easier to install: It is an established fact that larger tiles are much easier to install than smaller ones. Also, they are perfect for any kind of room as well.
- A flat subfloor: Without a flat subfloor, you won’t have a successful installation. Period. Additionally, you will need to make sure that it’s thick enough in order to ensure that a quality job has been done.
- Utilise the best method for squaring a room: The best method is by using a 3-4-5 triangle. Basically, this entails measuring 3 feet against one wall, 4 feet to the centre of the room and connecting to two lines to make a triangle having a 5 foot line.
- Make sure that you use thin-sets for installation: This move not only ensures that tiles stay on the floor, but it also happens to make up for minor imperfections in the subfloor as well. |There is also a premixed thin-set that one can use as well.
- Use a saw if necessary: This will not only save you time, but a lot of unnecessary frustration as well. Saws are quite inexpensive and unless every aspect is perfect, one will have to use a saw.
- Take your time: Make sure that you painstakingly look over each and every aspect of the operation as well as work in a small area at first. That way, you will be able to make sure that everything is just the way you wanted it. Don’t needlessly rush things.
- Make sure you guarantee perfect gaps with plastic spacers: For different sized tiles, there are enough options with regard to plastic spacers as well. Hence, once you buy the X’s, (the space between each of the tiles) all you have to do is place them between the tiles while they set. Now, you will have the exact same space between each tile.
Ultimately, it would be extremely noteworthy for you to remember the fact that installation is just one aspect. Making sure that the tiles in question are taken care of thoroughly is another matter altogether. Remember to thoroughly waterproof the wet areas before tiling them, since that tends to make cleaning much easier in the bargain.
Additionally, one mustn’t forget to keep spare tiles for the possibility of any future repairs. Since ceramic tiles tend to be extremely brittle, you can be sure of the fact that if an heavy object happens to fall on it, it will most likely break. So do make sure that you are prepared for this with a stock of extra tiles.